Immaculate Conception School

Immaculate Conception School

As a Catholic community, we form disciples of Christ through faith, academics, and character.

Immaculate Conception School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.

366 E. North Broadway, Columbus, OH 43214

A Catholic Education is a Gift

Every day, the children in Our Catholic Schools are gifted with a unique opportunity to encounter Christ. In addition to exceptional academics, they learn what it means to be a child of God – one with character, conviction, morals and compassion. 
But this gift shouldn’t be limited just to those with financial means.
Making a high-quality, Catholic education accessible and affordable for all families who desire it is a philanthropic priority for the Diocese of Columbus. With your gift to the Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund, you help open the doors and transform the education experience for more 17,000 students while receiving a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your Ohio taxes.

Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund

In Luke 24: 13-35, we hear about how Jesus, having recently risen from the dead, accompanied two of his disciples on the seven-mile journey from Jerusalem to Emmaus, discussing what had transpired in the preceding days. The disciples did not recognize Jesus until later, after he broke bread with them, but they recalled how their hearts were burning as he opened the scriptures to them on their journey.

This is exactly what we want for our students – for their hearts to be opened to Jesus through Catholic education. Donors to the Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund make this possible with their financial gifts, accompanying students on their faith journey, just as Jesus did with his disciples.